Sunday 9 October 2022

Streamliners 2022

The Streamliners event was held again this year at Goulburn roundhouse. The event was again affected by some very average Goulburn weather, however the sun shone brightly on Sunday. The Saturday evening fireworks was a highlight with a clear cold evening. Overall I thought the event was good, however there were a few dissapointing aspects. 42101 a very well presented loco was hidden away in a roundhouse bay and apart from the nose you couldn't see the rest of the loco. There was little point having it at the show. It could have been placed on the turntable for a while so some good photos could be taken. The same for loco CL17. It too could have been placed on the turntable for while for everyone to see. It was unfortunate that no B class locos could have attended. I hope you enjoy this selection of photos from the event.

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