Saturday 13 July 2013

Recent South Australia Photos

Here are a selection of photos recently taken in South Australia

G & W Ore train arriving at

G & W ore train ( rear ) departing Whyalla

YN2 Departing Whyalla

Rear of ore train arriving at Whyalla

YN2 leaving Whyalla

PM1 at Yorkey's Crossing


PM7 Yorkey's Crossing

PS6 Yorkey's Crossing

PS6 Mambray Creek

Port Augusta - Adelaide Shuttle. Mambray Creek

PG1 Mambray Creek

1901 leaving Coonamia

Grain train Crystal Brook

MP5 Crystal Brook

Grain Train Crystal Brook

MP5 Merriton

DA2 Crystal Brook

Thursday 11 July 2013

Whyalla Narrow Gauge Tramway

Empty train en route to Iron Baron

Full train from Iron Baron near Middleback Jct.

Empty train at Middleback Jct.

Empty train leaving Whyalla

Empty train leaves Whyalla


Empty train approaching Middleback Jct

Locos detach from loaded train at Whyalla

Empty train near Middleback Jct

Middleback Jct

Loaded train. Iron Baron in background

Loaded train arriving at Whyalla

Empty train departing Whyalla

Loaded train waiting at Middleback Jct for a cross

Loaded train at Whyalla being pushed backwards for unloading

I recently went on a trip to Whyalla ( S.A ) to photograph and film some of the narrow gauge ore trains. There are a good number of trains to see each day in each direction. The Iron Knob road follows the railway to Middleback Junction and there are plenty of good photographic spots. The trains are easy to chase. We had the use of a scanner and this is a great help in knowing exactly what is happening. Train can cross at Middleback Jct. This is done by one train running into the Iron Knob line and then reversing out after the full train has passed or the full train reverses into this section to allow the empty to pass. The trains are driver only operation so when these passing operations take place the driver leaves the cab and the trains are operated by remote control. The new GWU class locos featured on all the trains we saw but they not necessarily the lead loco so we saw some varied consists.
Upon arrival at Whyalla ( 3km mark) of a loaded train the locos are detached and run around the train. The train then shunts backward to be unloaded. Check out my Youtube page for footage of these trains.